When you've discovered that your fistula is present you might be asking concerns about the nature of it, the reason you're suffering from it and what you can do about it. Continue reading for answers to some of the most frequent questions we get regarding fistulas.

1. What is a FISTULA?

A fistula is an abnormal pathway connecting two organs or vessels that don't normally connect. The most commonly encountered kind of fistula can be found in the area of the anus.

2. What is the cause of a fistula?

In the anus, there is a gland that make fluid. Sometimes, they may become blocked and infected, resulting in abscesses. The abscess is probably the most frequent cause of a fistula but fistulas can be caused by other illnesses also, including Crohn's diseaseor sexually transmitted illnesses or cancer.

Also Read: Anal Fistula - The Signs and Treatment

3. What are the symptoms of a FISTULA?

Fistulas can be uncomfortable, and uncomfortable. The most common symptom is pain and is often accompanied by frequently abscesses, foul-smelling drainage and painful constipation. It can also be caused by skin irritation due to infection and excessive fluids being released.

4. How serious is a fistula?

Fistulas that are not treated properly can trigger a bacteria-related infection. This can result in sepsis. This is an extremely dangerous condition that could result in lower blood pressure and organ damage, or even death. Fortunately, there are many treatment options for fistulas to ensure the risk of developing more serious complications is minimized.


If you're noticing any signs of a fistula, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea or change in eating habits, diarrhea that is severe contact your Fistula Specialist immediately. Finding out if you have an external fistula can be fairly simple as doctors are able to observe it. The doctor can send any discharge that is observed to a lab for examination and also conduct tests on blood to determine the cause.

In the event that the fistula appears to be located inside the diagnosis could be more difficult. Your doctor might use an endoscope to look inside, or conduct ultrasounds, CTs, or X-rays to locate the fistula.

6. Is a fistula a sign Of Cancer?

An anal fistula can be one of the rare signs of cancer. If left untreated for long periods of time an open fistula can result in cancer. Fistulas can also form due to radiation treatment.

Read More: Home Remedies Are A Great Option For Anal Fistula

7. What can a FISTULA heal on its own?

In certain cases fistulas might close and then they reopen. Most often, fistulas don't heal themselves without treatment.

8. What is the best way to treat a fistula?

There are many options available when treating a fistula, based on the degree. For smaller fistulas the doctor can perform an office procedure. Fistulotomy is a procedure to allow the drain to flow through the fistula. The Fistula doctor in Kolkata might also recommend using stitches to close the fistula and allow for healing.

Larger fistulas may require surgery to seal them. Following surgery, you might be prescribed painkillers as well as antibiotics to stop infections and stool softeners to aid in bowel movements during healing.

The healing process can take a couple of days or even weeks when the fistula is small however larger fistulas may take longer to heal and might require additional surgeries. Keep your area spotless, particularly after stool movements. The use of moist pads can aid in the process. Warm baths can be soothing and may help in keeping the area being treated to become clean.

If you're experiencing signs of fistulas, do not hesitate to consult your physician. Find treatment and know the options you have The treatment process may be less complicated than you think and in nearly every case it is more beneficial than waiting to let it go without treatment.

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