Piles and the Deal

Piles and the Deal

Piles or hemorhoids can seriously affect your daily life. The pain and discomfort can make it difficult to do routine tasks like sitting down, going to the bathroom, or getting to work. You may be able to relate to this article if you have experienced or are currently going through the same medical condition. Piles are a common medical condition that gastroenterologists consider to be normal.

According to a survey, nearly 10 million Indians suffer from pile's pain every year. This is a condition that has been increasing exponentially in recent years due to stress, insomnia, constipation and a growing desire for fast food in a sedentary lifestyle.

What are hemorhoids?

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are a condition that affects the digestive system and causes inflammation of the veins in the rectum. Hemorrhoids come in different sizes, and can cause bleeding from the area of the anal. This can make it very itchy. As we age, our chances of developing piles increase. Poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles are two of the main factors.

Hemorrhoids are often painful, annoying, difficult to manage, and can cause a lot of pain. Internal and external piles can be found in both the inside and outside. The anal opening is 2 to 4 cm above the internal piles, while external piles can be found on the outside as lumps.

These lifestyle habits could lead to piles of money:

1. Long periods of sitting

Long periods of sitting can increase blood pressure around the anus. An excess weight can worsen the condition. A more active lifestyle that involves regular exercise or movement is good for your overall health and can help you avoid worrying about piling up.

2. Lifting heavy objects

Piles can impede your body-building efforts as they can put extra pressure on the veins. If you do have piles, then it is possible to find exercises that don't involve weight lifting that are beneficial. Even if you don’t have the time or desire to go to a gym for strength and flexibility, some moderate exercise can help ease your symptoms.

3. Constipation or diarrhea

People avoid the use of the bathroom at work and in public places. Constipation is the leading cause of piles. Diarrhoids and anal vein problems can also be caused by diarrhea. Individuals with difficulty bowel movement or loose motions should first assess their diet and then take the necessary steps to correct them. If the condition does not improve, consult your doctor immediately.

4. Hygiene is not good

Extreme heat and humidity can also cause piles. A shower each day will not only improve hygiene, but also keep the body cool. Remaining dry in the anal area is important as any moisture that remains can cause itching and irritation. Soft wipes are better for the toilet. It is a good hygiene practice to thoroughly wash your anal area and then gently dry it. Specially designed sanitary pads can be used by women who are pregnant. This can prevent rashes that can cause inflammation.

5. Anxiety and stress

Working life can be stressful and demanding. Insidiously, stress and anxiety can have a profound impact on our bodies. Find an activity that relaxes or entertains you if you are constantly stressed out.

6. It can be difficult to pass motion.

Long periods of sitting on the toilet can worsen the symptoms. Strolling on the toilet can further irritate inflamed veins and cause bleeding. While social media apps and the morning papers may distract your attention, they cannot stop the physiological damage.

Must Read: How Do Hemorrhoids Last and When to Visit a doctor

7. You can't use scented wipes

Many wet wipes contain perfumes and skin irritating chemicals like alcohol. They may actually worsen the symptoms, rather than helping them. It is possible to spit in the anal area without any fecal matter.

8. Itchy!

Piles are irritants to the anal itch. It doesn't matter if you scratch or not. Although it can be tempting to scratch, further damage can result. To relieve itching, your doctor might recommend an ointment/gel.

9. Coffee drinkers beware

Excessive coffee and alcohol can cause stomach irritation and dehydration. Constipation is also a leading cause of caffeine. Reduced caffeine intake can help with symptoms, or it can be used as a preventive measure.

10. Excessive use of laxatives

Sometimes, doctors will prescribe stool softeners and laxatives to ease discomfort and aid in passing motion. Medicines or syrups should not last more than one week. Patients don't realize this and become dependent on laxatives. Isapgol, a herbal remedy that provides immediate relief, can be used.

Also Read: How To Stop Piles From Bleeding Immediately

11. You cannot sit on hard surfaces

Piles patients shouldn't sit for extended periods of time. Hard surfaces, on the other hand, are a no-no as they place more pressure on the area. You can either replace the chair or put a cushion on it if it is uncomfortable.

Traditional treatments can take time to prove effective. Many times, lifestyle changes can be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of piles. However, they will not cure the problem. Laser treatment for piles is becoming increasingly popular because it's a fast and effective option. Here are some facts about laser surgery for piles.

A short procedure that takes 30 to 40 minutes

  • It's painless
  • Minimally Invasive
  • Day procedure
  • Rapid recovery
  • High success rate
  • Negligible complications

Contact the top laser surgeon in Kolkata for more information about pile surgery

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