Anal Fistula - The Signs and Treatment

 Anal Fistula - The signs and treatment

Colon as well as rectal health plays an important part in the overall health of the bowel. Anal fistulas are often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that may affect the quality of your living.

The experts of Kolkata Colon & Rectal Specialists located in Kolkata, can diagnose and treat anal fistulas. Doctor. Azhar Alam, MD, FACS, FASCRS, is board-certified in colon as well as rectal surgery. She can give you the suggested treatment to ease the pain of anal.

What is an anal fistula?

An anal fistula can be described as tiny tunnel that forms between the rectum's end and the skin close to the anus. It's caused by an infection which causes pus to form within the tissue surrounding it. If the pus is drained it, a tiny tunnel is left in its place. In this case you'll feel symptoms like irritation, pain or bleeding. The treatment of medication is not able to heal an anal fistula.

Surgery is generally recommended for the majority of instances.

What is the cause of anal fistulas?

In your anus, there are glands that create fluid. In some instances they can become blocked or blocked. In this case they are a source of food for bacteria. The bacteria then form pockets of tissue that is infected. This is referred to by the abscess. If you don't receive the appropriate care, then the abscess can expand.

In some cases, abscesses may cut the skin close to your anus. This means that the abscess may drain or be surgically eliminated. The fistula is a small tunnel which connects the gland with the opening. When this happens, you'll suffer from an anal fistula that is uncomfortable.

Anal fistula symptoms

An anal fistula may be accompanied by a variety of symptoms that can be the indication that something is wrong. Here are a few signs to keep an eye on:

  • Discoloration or irritation of the skin around the anus
  • The pain can be throbbing when you stand, sit in a position, move or use the bathroom.
  • Colored or smelly discharges from your anus
  • Blood or pus during the urge to bowel
  • A fever

It is possible that you be suffering from all or some signs. Whatever the reason it's essential to speak to your physician.

Treatment options

Treatment options are available for fistulas. If you recognize the fistula and address it earlier on, you're likely not to suffer any issues or require an hospital stay. In the case of a simple anal fistula the doctor. Azhar Alam will cut the skin and soft tissues around the tunnel. The fistula will be healed inside.

Dr. Azhar Alam may also use plugs in order to seal the fistula. For more complex situations it is possible to introduce the drain (seton) through the fistula opening. The seton aids in draining the fluid prior to the surgery.

In the majority of cases, anal fistulas can be removed by Fistula surgery in Kolkata, and they have a quick time to recover.

Anal fistulas that cause discomfort are taken care of with the doctor. Consult the experts in Kolkata Colon & Rectal Specialists. Contact us to make an appointment or schedule your appointment on the internet.

What happens following the treatment of my fistula?

This blog post was written with input from Dr. Azhar Alam who has a particular focus on providing solid medical advice within the field of Laparoscopic, Bariatric & General Surgery.

Make an appointment by the best Fistula Doctor in Kolkata. Azhar Alam! Call us at +91 9007709736 to make an appointment.

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