Best Options for Fistula Treatment Fistulectomy

The Best Options for Fistula Treatment Fistulectomy

What exactly is Fistula?

A Fistula is a type of tunnel or tract that connects two organs skin, blood vessels or any other organ or structure that is not usually connected. The fistula can be caused as a result of injury or surgery, inflammation, or, if it is extremely rare, is naturally.

Where could Fistulas Form?

Fistulas can develop between two organs, like

Between an arterial vein and an artery (Arteriovenous Fistula)

Between an arterial vein and a vein inside the lung (Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula)

Between bile ducts and surrounding the hollow structure (Biliary Fistula)

Between the vagina and surrounding organs such as the bladder, ureter the rectum, urethras, colon and the small intestinal tract (Vaginal Fistula)

Between the neck and the throat (Chylous Fistula)

In between, the skull and the nasal sinus

Between the anus and the top on the face (Anorectal Fistula)

Between the stomach and intestines as well as the surface of our layer of skin (enterocutaneous fistula)

Uterus and the peritoneal space (Metro Peritoneal Fistula)

Between the stomach and the naval (Gastrointestinal Fistula)

What are the most common kinds of Fistulas?

There are many types of Fistulas that are listed below, these are the most commonly used.

Anal Fistula

Vaginal Fistula

Gastrointestinal Fistula

Anal Fistulas

A rectal fistula or Anorectal Fistula is when an unnatural connection is created within the anal canal (part connecting the anus with the rectum) and the skin that surrounds the anus. This is due to an Anal infection. The anal infection can cause pus to accumulate within the region. As the pus drains, the fistula forms within the anal canal and surrounding skin.

Vaginal Fistula

Vaginal fistulas occur in the event of an inadvertent relationship between vagina as well as nearby organs like urinary bladders, ureters the rectum, urethra, colon and small intestinal.

The main reason for vaginal fistula is surgery to the area. However, bowel problems and traumatizing injuries resulting from accidents are also major causes.

Also Read: Fistula Surgery: What You Need to Know

Gastrointestinal Fistula

The gastrointestinal fistula is due to an unnatural connection of the stomach or organs nearby to the intestines which can cause the formation of a leak. Fistulas can occur in the gut or other organs.

Fistulas in the stomach connect the stomach to the intestines. They cause leakage to the intestines.

Enterocutaneous fistulas connect stomach or intestines with the skin tissue and cause leakage to enter the skin.

Vagina, anusand colon and bladder may also be involved.

The diagnosis of Fistulas

First, the patient needs to be diagnosed correctly by examination under anesthesia in order to find and evaluate the extent that the patient has a fistula. The opening on the outside, the internal opening as well as the tract, are distinguished. In accordance with the degree of severity it's classified into:

Low-level fistula

High-level fistula

Following classification the treatment options are then prescribed.

Alternative treatments for Fistulas

The most frequent type of fistula is called the anal fistula. Depending upon the degree of severity surgeons recommend different treatments. Certain treatments are

Non-invasive Treatment Options


Immune Suppressant medicine (If the fistula is related in part to the disease Crohn's)

Fibrin Glue


Options for Invasive Treatment

Transabdominal Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery


In the event that the patient was found to have fistulas of low level, it is recommended that a Fistulotomy is recommended. It is an operation during which the Fistula surgeon cuts an incision within the area affected and then breaks the abnormal connection between two organs.

The procedure is only able to cut off the tract, but it doesn't remove any tissues. The two organs will both have tissues attached to them but they're now separated and are able to move and operate without restriction. It isn't a difficult procedure that requires only a minor disruption.


Contrary to Fistulotomy which is a procedure that only breaks an artery, Fistulectomy removes the entire tract. If the patient is found to have a severe fistula Fistulectomy is recommended. It is a more in-depth procedure, but it is necessary when there is a huge mass of tissue. It helps prevent the recurrence on the fistula. It has a longer recovery time than Fistulotomy but is considered to be more efficient.

The procedure is carried out to patients who suffer from anal fistulas that are high-grade. The procedure is also believed to eliminate the fistula for good as well as other chronic anal illnesses. Other treatments fistulas are more likely to return.

How do you perform Fistulectomy performed?

This Fistulectomy procedure is performed under spinal or general anaesthesia.

The contrast color is then injected through the exterior opening.

Imaging techniques like one like an X-Ray or MRI can be used to show the whole fistula tract.

The surgeon eliminates all three components - the internal opening external opening the fistula tract

It is important to ensure that the sphincter muscle remains healthy

The procedure takes about 45 minutes to one hour, and is done as an outpatient procedure. It can take anywhere from 4 to five hours to allow the anesthesia effects to fade. If there are no problems, the patient will be released the next day following the mandatory time for observation.

Recovery following an Fistulectomy procedure

Following the Fistulectomy procedure the patient is released the next day, provided there aren't any complications. The patient can resume work after two weeks of relaxation. It takes 4 to six weeks to heal the body completely.

This procedure requires medium- to large cuts. Therefore, for care at home following surgery, surgeons prescribe anti-inflammatory medications, antibiotics and post-surgical guidelines to adhere to.


Fistulas can form between any two organs in the body. This article outlines the most often-caused fistulas as well as their treatment options. Fistulas do not always heal by themselves without any medical intervention. It can greatly impact the quality of life for the sufferer. It is therefore essential to those suffering from the above symptoms to see a physician.

Contact +91 9007709736 to make an appointment. Visit a Fistula doctor in Kolkata


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