Anal Fistula in Ano Symptoms Treatment

Anal Fistula in Ano Symptoms Treatment

 Anal fistula symptoms can be accompanied by pain and discomfort. It can be difficult to determine the exact cause and how to fix it on your own. Do not jump to conclusions or make assumptions about your diagnosis. A colorectal surgeon can help you feel confident. Dr. Azhar Alam will provide a safe environment for you and your symptoms to talk. She will also help you get relief as quickly as possible.


Read More: Anal Fistula Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

What are Anal Fistulas?

There are small crypts at the lower end that allow fluids to be deposited within the canal. These crypts are easily accessible by stool passing through the anus. Rarely does stool impact into these crypts, causing an aberrant tract to be buried in adjacent tissue. This is called a fistula tract.

Fistula Symptoms

Anal fistulas are often seen as a simple perianal infection. Patients will go to the emergency room, or their primary physician to have the abscess shaved. It will heal and the anal fistula will disappear.

Diagnosis & Treatment

Anal fistula symptoms are not something you will notice. You may have a variety of health issues that cause anxiety or overwhelm. There are many treatment options available for anal fistulas. However, you will need to see a Fistula doctor in Kolkata first to identify the source. An initial step to determine if you have anal fistula is to have a physical exam.

Common Questions about Anal Fistula

Anal fistula can be very alarming. It can be difficult to know if professional help is needed or if the condition will resolve on its own. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding anal fistulas to help you get started. Anal fistulas require medical treatment. Please call Dr. Azhar Alam at +91 9007709736 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Q: What are the common symptoms of anal fistula?

A: Common symptoms of fistula include anal pain, swelling around the anus and irritated skin. Anal fistulas can be caused by bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Q: When is the best time to see a doctor for an anal fistula concern?

A: Anal fistulas can indicate more serious medical conditions. It is important to have your symptoms evaluated by a Fistula Specialist doctor if you are experiencing anal fistula symptoms. They rarely heal themselves. To ensure proper healing, you will need to be properly diagnosed and prescribed the best treatment.

Q: What is the best way to diagnose anal fistula?

A: An anal fistula can be diagnosed by examining the anus and rectum. Anoscopes can be used to view the inside of the rectum. A fistula probe may be helpful in diagnosing certain cases. A fistula probe can also be used to determine if the anal fistula may be linked to the sphincter muscle.

Q: What are the best options for treating anal fistulas

A: To treat a fistula, you must remove the entire tract. There is no one right way to treat a fistula. It all depends on the extent of the anal-sphincter apparatus. The more complicated the procedure, the more muscle will be involved. Advanced surgeries can be performed over several weeks with the aim of curing fistula and preserving the integrity the anal sphincter muscle muscles.

Q: What's the new "Laser" treatment of anal fistulas

A: FiLAC, a Fistula Laser Closure treatment, has recently been introduced to the United States. It has been used for many years in other countries. Dr. Azhar Alam has his own laser system. He has used it to treat deep and difficult fistulas. It has been shown to produce similar results to advanced flap techniques and LIFT procedures, but with significantly fewer complications and downtime. This is the best treatment for anal fistulas at the moment.

Q: How long does it take for recovery after anal fistula operation?

A: Anal fistula is performed under general anesthesia. You won't feel any discomfort or pain during surgery. However, pain medication may be necessary as you recover. The anus cannot be separated after surgery, so pain will not last more than a week. Dr. Azhar Alam will discuss how to heal and you should be able resume your normal activities within one week.

Call today to schedule an Anal Fistula Consultation with Dr. Azhar Alam can help you heal your anal fistula. Dr. Azhar Alam will be happy to answer all your questions and help you choose the best treatment plan for your needs. Call us at +91 9007709736 right now!

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