Get Rid of the Painful Piles

Get Rid of the Painful Piles

What is Hemorrhoid?

Hemorrhoids are composed from two terms: haemis Blood and Rhoes means Flow, which is often referred to as Piles. Piles is derived from the Latin term "Pila" which refers to a ball or piling. It is also known as arshas (piles) also known as hemorrhoids are the veins surrounding the anus.

The exact definition of hemorrhoids doesn't exist, however they could be described as clumps, or masses. They are nothing more than tissues that are cushioned within the anal canal, which is a reservoir of blood vessels. Their surrounding tissues and support are composed of muscles and elastic fibers.

A condition that causes pain to the patients' vital energy (prana) as a threat is known as Arshas Ayurvedic terms. Arshas is listed as being one of eight Maha gada (most terrifying illnesses).

In our modern-day lives with stress and pressure many people do not adhere to a proper food and lifestyle practices. This can result in a decrease in digestion (Agni) or creating an abnormality (mandagni).

Mandagni refers to a condition that occurs when the patient is unable to digest food items in the proper way. It causes the accumulation or stagnation of half digested food items (Ama) that is in stool form or removing it before it is eliminated in semisolid or watery form that disturbs the doshas in the anorectal area.

The varicosity can be found within the exterior part of the sphincter of the anus or within the interior of the anus i.e. inside the anal sphincter that is covered by mucus membrane. In Ayurvedic texts, these sphincters are described as "vali'(bahya vali and abhyantara)

Ayurveda has been classified into two categories:

Sahaja (Congenital)

The manifestations occur after birth (janmottara Kalaja)

The kalaja was once again classified as shuka (dry or blind) and sravi (bleeding).

Causes of Pile

  • A common reason is straining during defecation after being constipated for an extended period.
  • The family story of piles.
  • Pregnancy is a time of the increased flow of blood.
  • People having varicose veins.
  • Any cancerous growth or tumor in the pelvis or bowel.
  • People suffering from chronic diarrhea.

The varicosity could resemble various shapes, including pea-like, mustard, barley-like, plum, the fig, and as several different ankuras (buds). The shapes and sizes indicate the doshas that are involved in the manifestation of these diverse varieties of growth, or varicosities.

Preventive measures

As the best Piles Specialist in Kolkata, drink plenty of fluids, including water Drink at least 10 glasses daily. Consume foods that are excellent sources of fiber like bran and whole grain cereals, breads, fresh vegetables and fruits. Also when necessary include bran in your meals (about 3-4 tablespoons daily). This makes stool passing effortless.

  • Get rid of the bowel as quickly as you feel the need. Don't strain yourself to get the bowel move.
  • Lose weight if your are overweight.
  • Maintain the cleanliness of the anal canal.
  • Relax in warm baths.
  • Avoid sitting on hard surfaces as it could block blood flow around the anal region.

Make a call to +91 90077 09736 and book appointment with the best Piles Doctor in Kolkata today!

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