Treat Piles Without Having Surgery

You can treat hemorrhoids and piles without having to have surgery

Hemorrhoids are also known as piles, fistula and fissure. They cause pain, burning, bleeding, and stress from the rectum. Since the beginning of human walking on two legs, these problems have been known for years. It's no surprise that these problems are discussed in books such as the Charaka or Sushrutha Samhita which were written around 1500 BC.

Hemorrhoids can be described as swollen veins that are located near the anal channel. It is also known as "Arshas" in Ayurveda. This is a painful condition that causes small, fleshy bumps and blood to leak from either the guda (or anal) canal.

What are the different types of Piles?

The anal opening is where hemorhoids are located. They are either internal or external. Ayurveda classifies hemorhoids based on their flow.

What causes hemorrhoids in people?

Many things can cause hemorhoids. These could be:

*Hereditary refers to the fact that it is passed on from parents to their children.

*Diet: This is the most common reason people get hemorrhoids or other painful conditions in the anal region, such as fissures or fistulas.

*Predominantly nonvegetarian diet. Stools can become hard due to a lack of fibrous foods, fruits and vegetables, water, and other nutrients. This causes the anal blood-carrying vessels to expand, which in turn makes them more sensitive.

*Straining (forcing stools) for long periods of time to make it feel like you haven't emptied everything from your bowels can cause the veins and blood vessels to grow larger and bleed.

Read More: Piles Hemorrhoids Surgery

How can you tell if you have?

These are just a few:

This disease causes the body to lose bright red blood without any pain.

* A few lumps around the anal opening can be felt after you go to the toilet.

* Feeling like a fleshy mass is emerging from your stool. After you're done, this mass will come back in its own.

* Sometimes, pain, burning, or the release of mucus.

How do you know if you have this condition?

A skilled Ayurvedic surgeon should examine your anal area with a proctoscope or by hand. Not all bleeding conditions are due to piles.

What happens if we ignore Piles?

It could cause a lot more problems if you don't seek help immediately. These are the things:

* Profuse bleeding

Anaemia can be caused by small amounts of bleeding over a prolonged period of time. This can cause fatigue and make it difficult to work.

*A blood clot can occur in the pile, which can lead to a painful swelling around the anus. External hemorhoid and thrombosis

The enlarged pile (the dilapid vein) can push out of the anal channel, causing pain, sores and sometimes gangrene. This is when the pile protrudes from the anal canal. It can cause serious injury and even death.

* Infection and abscess

Based on the symptoms, hemorrhoids can be classified as follows:

Grade I: The hemorrhoids don't prolapse; they only bleed from the rectum.

Grade II: The hemorrhoids spontaneously decrease after defecation.

Grade III: The hemorrhoids prolapse after defecation but shrink after manipulation.

Grade IV: The hemorrhoids have prolapsed and are still prolapsed.

What types of Piles treatments can be used to treat it?

Treatments include using laxatives, eating high-fiber foods, exercising every day, and not straining to pass stools. Other treatments include Cryosurgery and Banding as well as Hemorrhoidectomy.

These treatments may work in different ways but they all have issues like recurrence, pain and severe bleeding.

What is Ayurvedic Treatment of Piles?

Ayurvedic treatments such as steam, Avagahana (a medicated seat bath), Lepana ("an application"), and Panchakarmas (like Virechana or basti) are all used in the Arsha treatment.

It is easy to treat the early stages with herbal medicine and a change in diet. Kshara sutra may be required for patients in grades 2 and higher.

Piles: Ayurveda medicine

Ayurveda medicines for piles can stop bleeding, kill bacteria and make it easier to go to the toilet. It can help eliminate bacteria that could cause hemorhoids. It stops bleeding and clears the bowels. Ayurvedic medicines for piles like Chirabilwadi Kashaya, Kulattadi Kashaya, Abhayrista, Drakshasava, Avipattikara choorna, Triphala guggulu, Arshogni vati, kankayana vati, Laxifit powder, etc. After consulting an Ayurveda physician, you can take these medicines.

Ayurveda Ksharasutra Treatments for Piles

For piles, fistula and fissure, The Shathayu Ayurveda Clinic offers a non-surgical, very effective treatment called "ksharalepa" (alkaline Applications) or "kshara Sutra" (alkaline Lition) to its cure. There are few recurrences.

Kshara, an Ayurvedic medicine made mostly from the alkaline components of plants, is the basis of Ayurvedic medicine. Kshara can be used for many purposes. However, clinical and scientific research has shown it to be effective in treating hemorrhoids and fissures. Ayurvedic surgeons will apply kshara paste to the hemorhoid, or attach the kshara sutra at the base of the hemorrhoid. This stops bleeding and prevents blood from flowing through the veins. It also thins the blood. The tissue that is bleeding from the veins is also killed, and the pile mass disappears slowly.

This treatment for Piles doesn't require you to be in hospital for as long. You can then spend more time at your job. It also hurts less and is returned less often. This method of treating hemorrhoids is known as kshara sutra, or kshara-karma. It has slowly gained popularity in the West and is now the most popular.

Piles: Home remedies

Do not sit around and let your skin get stained.

Do yoga and get moving! If you have piles, it's important to do yoga!

Constipation can be avoided by eating more fiber

You can increase the amount of bulk/ fibre in your food by eating bananas, grapes, and radish. These are mildly laxatives that work well as laxatives.

Triphala is a good option if you have trouble getting to the toilet.

Warm water and buttermilk should be consumed more

Add horsegram in your diet

Raw salads are good for you.

Warm water, ayurveda remedies such as triphala and dashamoola can be used to take a sitz bath.

Include papaya, grapes and figs in your diet.

However, Before taking any action consult with the best Piles Doctor in Kolkata.


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