5 Food types to avoid if suffering from hemorrhoids (Piles)

5 Food types to avoid if suffering from hemorrhoids (Piles)

You might have read or heard that you must eat certain types of foods when you suffer from hemorrhoids (Piles) However, this list contains food items you should stay clear of. Patients with piles are also careful not eating, which can help them recover quickly and effortlessly. Here are the types of food which trigger hemorrhoid inflammation up and create discomfort.

Junk Food Junk Food

It is important to avoid junk food if you're struggling with piles, consulted by the best Piles Specialist in Kolkata. Junk food is unhealthy and can make things worse. It has a low amount of nutrients. Also, it is a source of fat, which is harmful. Fat is generally slower to digest than other nutritional.

Foods that are contaminated with junk can cause digestive problems and constipation.

Food that is spicy -

It is possible to get confused because some experts say that spices do not cause hemorrhoids, but if the area is swelling, you should refrain from eating foods that are spicy until the pain is gone. In addition, excessive spice can cause loose motion and cause a lot of discomfort.

Dairy Food Dairy Food

There are dairy products with less fiber and which can lead to constipation. The cause of piles is constipation and can trigger a number of discomforts. There are many milk-based products available during your day-to-day life which are good for your health however if you are suffering from piles, it is best to stay clear of such products. If you're drinking milk that is not high in fat, then it can cause constipation and pain.

Bakery Food -

You might be surprised to discover that bakery products are should be avoided when you're struggling with piles. Bakery items like Cakes, Pastries, Bread and Puffs. contain sugar and are rich in fats. Fats do not generally digest at the same rate as other nutritional products. Dairy products that are not fibre-free must be avoid for piles of and patients.

Beverages Drinks

Alcohol and tea, energy drinks caffeinated products and coffee must avoid if you are suffering from piles. Patients with piles are already dehydrated, and caffeinated beverages are the main reason for dehydration. Consume them only after you've completely recovered.

Always take the advise from the best Piles Doctor in Kolkata. Get an appointment at Calcutta Colorectal & Gastrointestinal Clinic.

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