Signs of a Hernia

Signs of a Hernia

A hernia, a medical condition where an organ protrudes from the muscle wall, creates a bulge. A hernia can happen to anyone, but it is possible for certain factors to make it more common.

Hernia is most commonly caused by lifting heavy objects or straining. Groin hernias are most common in men. The risk is greater if you are older and more obese. Hernias are also more common in obese and pregnant women.

Hernias can be common. While they don't always cause symptoms, they can pose a risk to your health. Brian Prebil, MD, Eric Thomas MD, FACS and the team at The Center for Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery, are proud to offer minimally invasive, hernia surgery for men and women of all ages.

Recognizing a hernia bulge

Depending on where your muscles are weak, hernias can vary in size and location. They look more like a soft bulge that can be easily pushed back into your body. Some hernias disappear while you are lying down, but reappear when standing.

If you have had previous surgery that has weakened your muscles, incisional hernias may develop anywhere. Organs can push through scars from previous surgeries with this hernia. The umbilical hernia appears as a bulge at the belly button.

Inguinal hernias can be found in the groin. A bulge may develop on either side the pubic bone. This is where your thigh meets the groin. Inguinal hernias are formed when the bladder or part of the intestinal tract protrudes through the muscle walls.

Hiatal hernias are located in the upper stomach. They may not be obvious. This is due to the stomach pushing into your chest through your diaphragm.

Read Also: How Long will It Take to Heal from Hernia Surgery

Additional symptoms of a hernia

A hernia can be as simple as a bulge or swelling in the abdomen or groin. Hernias may be uncomfortable or painful. Because they place pressure on the nerve, inguinal hernias can cause a groin sensation or a burning sensation.

A lot of activities, such as standing, lifting heavy objects, straining, and other physical activity, can increase the pain in the abdomen and groin. Advanced hernias can be more difficult to push into the muscle wall because they are usually firmer.

Because hiatal hernias can interfere with your stomach or diaphragm, they may cause unique symptoms. Hiatal hernias can cause acid reflux, heartburn, and a bitter taste due to stomach acid being pushed back into your esophagus.

Hernia treatment

Lifestyle changes can help reduce symptoms. However, hernias are not going away on their own. Hernias can become more severe if left untreated.

Inguinal hernias can cause severe pain and nausea. Seek immediate medical attention. In rare cases, hernias can result in bowel strangulation and need immediate medical attention to prevent organ death.

Dr. Azhar Alam, the best hernia doctor in Kolkata can help you determine if minimally invasive hernia surgery is an option.

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