Types of Hernias and Treatment

What are the types of hernias and what treatment options are available?

When you have a hernia, your internal organs will bulge out of the tissue or muscle. This could be associated with pain or obstruction in your bowel. It can cause indigestion, chest pain, and heartburn. If you notice any of these symptoms, do not wait to seek treatment. For the best treatment, visit the top hernia surgeon.

There are many kinds of hernia. The most common include:

  • Inguinal hernia is a condition where the intestine blocks the abdominal wall or inguinal canal in your groin. This is a common problem in men, but it's not uncommon in women.
  • Femoral hernia. This type of hernia can be common in older women. This happens when the intestine enters at the top of your inner thigh.
  • Hiatal hernia is a condition in which a portion of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm into a chest cavity.
  • Umbilical hernia is a condition that occurs when fat tissue or a portion of the bowel protrudes from the abdomen close to the belly button.


An experienced, reputable hernia surgeon will be able to treat your hernia using either open or laparoscopic surgery. Here are the details:

Laparoscopic Surgery: The surgeon will make an incision near your hernia. The surgeon then removes any protruding tissue and stitches the muscle wall.

Open Surgery: This type of hernia surgery involves the surgeon cutting at the hernia. He removes any obtruding tissues and stitches the muscle wall. To provide additional support, a mesh may be placed in the area.

Read More: How safe is surgical mesh for hernia surgery?


Which is better, open hernia surgery or laparoscopic surgery?

Both surgeries are excellent; choose the one your Hernia doctor in Kolkata recommends.

How deep is an incision for open hernia surgery?

Open hernia surgery requires an incision that is between 3 and 4 cm in length.

What is the use of the mesh in laparoscopic surgery procedures?

Yes, mesh is used in laparoscopic surgery.


A hernia will not heal on its own without a hernia surgery. Miracles Healthcare is one of the most prestigious hospitals in the nation. The highly skilled and compassionate surgeons at Miracles Healthcare will offer the best treatment for your hernia.

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